Downhole Vision Questionnaire
What Needs Surveying?
What needs inspection / what is it that you’re trying to see or determine?
For wells:
- Type? Oil / gas / water / geothermal…?
- What is the borehole size? We don’t necessarily need a full-blown well schematic, but it’s important to know the range of casing / tubing IDs, and the minimum size of any jewelry through which the tool must pass.
- What’s the deviation?
- What will be the max working depth?
- Max working temperature?
- Max working pressure?
- Are there corrosives such as H2S or CO2, or other chemical considerations?
For other boreholes:
- Will or might there be fluid? If so, at what depth?
- What is the borehole ID? Are there likely to be larger voids / caverns?
- What is the borehole depth?
For existing / third party:
- Is there existing wireline / slickline / coax / coil you’d like to deploy from?
- What kind of line is it? i.e., 5/16″ mono-conductor
- How long is it?
- What are its terminations? (Both at the tool and on surface at the slip ring or panel.)
- Is there a [secondary] depth encoder available? If so, what are its connectors / pinouts?
- Is there some sort of control shack from which to operate?
For new systems:
- How do you intend to transport the system? Van / trailer / pickup (ute) / cart / by hand…?
- Are there size / weight considerations, such as the necessity to travel via helicopter or ATV?
- Will the tools need to fly in passenger aircraft?
- What climate will surface equipment be subjected to?
Tell us what you need to be where, and when.